Saturday, March 26, 2016

Slice Of Life Challenge 3/27

Ten Things I Am Doing Today
  1. I am going to Hollywood!!!
  2. I am eating breakfast at the Hollywood Famers Market.
  3. We are doing a scavenger hunt around Hollywood.
  4. We are going as close as we can get to the Hollywood sign.
  5. We are going sight seeing around Hollywood
  6. We are driving to Palm Springs.
  7. We are being tourists.
  8. We are relaxing.
  9. We are going swimming. (hopefully)
  10. We are getting a good nights sleep!


  1. Great slice! It's too bad you're not going to Hollywood.

  2. It sounds like you are spending your Easter Sunday doing some perfect things. Enjoy!

  3. That sounds like a really fun day! Great idea for a slice!
